Introdução ao Capture One Primeiramente, gostaria de agradecer a você por estar aqui comigo e também parabenizá-lo por escolher aprender através de um curso. É muito mais fácil seguir um curso como esse, do que ficar tentando descobrir por conta própria como fazer isso ou aquilo ou ficar na internet procurando por informações e não conseguir exatamente o que você precisa e no final das contas perceber ainda, que você perdeu muito tempo fazendo assim. Tempo é dinheiro. Precisamos fazer do nosso tempo valer a pena. Por isso, um curso é sempre é uma ótima opção. Porque usar Capture One? É o melhor e o mais completo programa de edição de fotos Ele é muito rápido para importar fotos Ele é muito rápido para editar fotos As ferramentas de edição de cor são as melhores que eu já trabalhei, a cor da pele fica muito boa Ele possui a melhor opção de captura de imagens ao vivo (tethered) A interface do programa pode ser totalmente personalizada Entre outros Dificuldade de usar um software novo No software que você já conhece, você já faz as tarefas corriqueira mais rápido Você já conhece os menus, os comandos as teclas de atalho, a terminologia usada pelo programa Adaptação Por isso esse curso é importante para você No curso você vai Conhecer o ambiente de trabalho Lidar com suas imagens de forma mais eficiente Importar imagens para o Capture One Organizar imagens para que você possa encontra-las facilmente Conhecer a maioria das ferramentas necessárias para edição de imagem Exportar imagens Porque comprar esse curso? Está totalmente no seu idioma Você tem um passo a passo em como realizar as tarefas Ele está ligado em unidades que têm uma progressão lógica e crescente O tempo que você vai gastar assistindo esse curso, vai fazer você economizar muito mais tempo de edição em um programa que você talvez conheça pouco O que você vai aprender aqui vai melhorar consideravelmente a sua rotina de edição de fotos Eu, como instrutor, trabalho com fotografia, já usei outros softwares de edição de fotos e atualmente uso somente o Capture One.
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    I designed this course for the people who don't want to spend months and years to learn complex softwares like Adobe Photoshop and also for people who don't want to use Computer to edit Photos. Instagram Photography Editing This course is designed to cover all the tools available in Snapseed App in a very fun and easy way. Course is divided into two major parts. one is basic editing and second is advanced editing with the help of advanced tools that snapseed offers. Anyway you should try it - and the results will impress you. And if you already using Snapseed - we'll explain you new methods and tricks how to make your images from ordinary to extraordinary ;) In this course you'll learn lots of new skills to edit images straight on your mobile phone or tablet inside Google Snapseed. This free revolutionary app will allow you to get amazing results on any king of images - it;s compatible with both RAW and JPEG. At the end of this course you will become expert in editing photos with your mobile. You will be able to edit Photos for yourself,Product selling, social media platforms or stock agencies to earn a lot of money. Enroll now and start learning Photo editing with snapseed today.
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      Seja para ter um feed organizado, ter mais curtidas e comentários dos amigos e familiares nas redes sociais, ou simplesmente melhorar a qualidade daquela foto que não está legal, este curso vai te ajudar a causar ótimas impressões em todos com fotos incrivelmente lindas , independentemente de como estava o céu ou se tinha alguém que saiu atrapalhando a sua foto. Neste curso, utilizando apenas o seu celular e aplicativos 100% gratuitos , nós vamos aprender a alterar o céu nublado por um céu azul, apagar pessoas ou objetos indesejados das nossas fotos, incluir efeitos de neve, pássaros, entre outros, além de aprender a editar utilizando Presets, criando assim uma harmonização entre todas as nossas fotos e muito mais. Vários alunos já tiverem suas fotos levadas para o próximo nível. Faça parte deste grupo você também e edite fotos incríveis !
        Start editing your own photos with one of the best PC and Mac photo editing software out there, PhotoDirector! If you're looking for a easy photo editing application that will allow you to edit professional quality photos, Cyberlink's PhotoDirector is a great tool. This course will teach you everything you need to know to get started editing. Make photos look the way you envision - better! If you want to crop, white balance, adjust contrast, add effects, and share better photos than ever, this is the course for you. Here are the main topics in this course: Easily import and organize photos in PhotoDirector Crop and rotate your photos Apply one-click presets Correct white balance Adjust tone, add HDR effects, change contrast Apply edits to only certain parts of your photos 'Beautify' people with teeth whitening, eye brightening, wrinkle removing, and body shaping Remove unwanted objects in your photos Merge photos, create panoramas, and face swap to get the best smile Add custom watermarks to your photos Create slideshows out of your photos Publish photos easily to Facebook and Flickr Export high quality files for sharing and printing Why is this the course that will make you successful? Taking online courses isn't easy. It takes work and action. This course will help you succeed with concrete practice lessons. We'll walk you through each exercise. By the end of the course, you'll have a fully edited video montage that you can share with the world. Who teaches this course? Phil Ebiner is a professional photographer and video creator who has edited thousands of photos. His photos have won international contests, sold in art galleries, and captured stories around the world. Phil strives to teach students not only the technical skills of a photo editor with this course, but also the philosophy of photo editing. You'll love learning from Phil like thousands of other Udemy students. Are you ready to be successful? Are you ready to edit professional-looking photos? Enroll now!
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          Got photos? Got stories to tell? Spend an hour with me and I'll show you how to create gorgeous digital scrapbook pages! Join me for Digital Scrapbooking for Absolute Beginners to learn the simple steps you can take to create your very own digital scrapbook pages. You don't need to be an expert with Photoshop to create digital scrapbook pages. You just need the right help.
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            This course will not teach you how to make money quick, but it will teach you how to create and edit photos and graphics for Facebook and other marketing materials with software that is freely available on the web. Some of the techniques you will learn in this course can also be applied to professional programs like Adobe Photoshop. For example, you will learn about various graphic file formats and to use layers in editing images. This course is primarily taught through video demonstration. However, you will also be provided with a Paint dot net quick reference guide and several other useful handouts in understanding graphics for the web and for print. We will begin by learning to download and install the Paint dot net software. Then we will spend some time learning to get around in the GUI (Graphical User Interface). Next we will learn how to use the tools of the software. Then we will learn how to draw a simple picture and edit a photograph. Finally, we will learn a few cool techniques to make your images unique. This course will save you from having to purchase expensive image editing software to create images that look like you used the expensive software.
              ‘Very clear teaching style. Comprehensive coverage of LR's controls. I feel that I can trust what this teacher is telling me.’ - Michael Mackay ‘Engaging instructor, well planned useful content given in a way that keeps you watching and learning.’ - Pamela Drummond ‘Excellent material, great teaching style and pace. Highly recommend!’ - James Ecker ‘Jellis is very responsive both in the course and on his social media platforms. This is my second course of his that I have purchased and I am never disappointed. Well done!’ - Dereck Smith _______________________________________ *NOTE: This course teaches you how to work with Lightroom Classic, not Lightroom CC. Some of the bad reviews and ratings are from people who thought this course was about Lightroom CC. They got confused because it looked different than in the course, and thus they gave a bad rating. The difference between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC: Lightroom CC is the new cloud-based photo service of Adobe that works across desktop, mobile, and web. Lightroom Classic is the desktop-focused digital photography product. In many ways, Lightroom CC is more user-friendly, but it also has fewer tools at its disposal. While this course teaches you how to work with Lightroom Classic and Photoshop, you will have no problem using Lightroom CC if you know how to use all the tools in Lightroom Classic. Both versions have the same tools. Lightroom Classic simply offers more in-depth editing possibilities and tools. Therefore, Lightroom Classic is also a recommended program for a photographer to know how to use.* _______________________________________ “Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” - Destin Sparks You are about to learn how to tell your story even better. Just like The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners, this course is focused on digging right into the true essentials of post-processing and editing. This means the techniques and skills that you will learn here, are the ones that will truly take your photos way beyond simply okay, giving them drama, impact and that wow factor. All that without countless hours of meaningless and unnecessary rambling on subjects that don’t really matter. Everything that you will learn in this course are techniques and skills I’ve learned from numerous other professional photographers throughout my years in the profession. I’ve combined all of that information into a well-presented package that not only looks good, but is good - guaranteed. My mission here with this course is to guide you step by step, slowly but surely through the myriad of possibilities that post processing and editing offers you and your photography. And don’t worry, for those who are new to Lightroom or Photoshop , there are lectures to help you understand all the necessary tools, and if you have any further questions at all at any stage, you just have to ask, I am here with you on this journey. Now, brace yourself and get ready to be blown away by just how much better your photos will start to look when using the numerous easy to advanced techniques and skills you are about to learn. It’s going to be a lot of fun, so please enjoy the course! An honest review and rating is always appreciated and will help me to make any necessary improvements for the course, as well helping to get more people involved so they too can benefit from the beauty of photography. Many thanks! _________________________________ The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners Not yet mastered the technical and theoretical aspects of your camera or photography? The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners, my first course, digs into the true essentials in understanding those aspects. It’s a quick, yet in-depth and fun course that is highly recommended, not just by me, but by more than a hundred 5-star reviewers. Travel Photography for Beginners: Take EPIC Travel Photos Take the knowledge you have learned in our beginner’s course and continue your journey with this specialization course in travel & adventure photography. In this exciting, visually stunning and engaging course, I will take you on a true adventure and teach you the many ins and outs of this most thrilling field in photography. Learn the ins and outs of how to take dramatic and epic photos that capture a feeling, what a good travel and adventure photography kit contains, how to keep yourself and your equipment safe while on the road, what to look for in a quality photography bag, essential accessories to take along, how to earn money with travel and adventure photography, the best way to back up your photos when traveling or out on an adventure, various pro tricks and tips, and so much more!
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                Luminar 2018 is the most innovative photo editor available for both MAC and PC . It has many powerful tools for making your photos look stunning and everyone speechless. But you need to know how to use it and how to get most out of it. Maybe you are a amateur photographer who has done a little bit of photo editing or maybe you have quite a bit of photo editing experience. Either way, I have made this course to help you to make your images look Awesome . Believe me! Luminar is the most powerful and efficient editing software when it comes to a quick but perfect editing software. The best part of this course is that, that it is very short,and precise. I tried my level to explain each and every tool with the help of practical examples. From the Day 1 , you start to edit your photos, without any hassle. I hope, you enjoy the course. Please contact me anytime for additional questions or any sort of support. So, lets begin the process of making stunning images.
                  Capture One 12 is a high end, complete image editing software solution: you can use it to import your RAW files from the camera, organise them, perform lens corrections, make luminosity adjustments and color grade your images. Using real-life examples, you’ll learn how to put Capture One 12 to work solving common photo editing issues, including exposure correction, shadow and highlight detail recovery, midtone contrast enhancement and color correction. By experimenting with this intuitive software, you’ll discover a variety of fresh ideas and achieve gorgeous, unexpected results in no time. Best of all, the whole process is non-destructive, as you’re developing a RAW file — a digital negative. Sharpen Your Skills Shadow And Highlight Detail Recovery You’ll learn how to easily and effectively create pixel-precise masks based on luminosity range with the Luma Range tool. You’ll then take it to the next level by combining these masks with the High Dynamic Range tool and Curves to precisely recover lost detail in over or underexposed areas. Powerful Luminosity Adjustments With Levels Correct luminosity range with one click using the underrated auto functionality of the Levels tool. Learn remapping black, grey and white points to achieve the perfect balance of lights and shadows in your artwork. Effortless Color Grading Turn color grading into an intuitive and insightful process using Capture One 12. You’ll get expert insight into making color adjustments with Curves, the Color Balance tool and the powerful and super precise Color Editor. You’ll also marvel at the results you’ll get by working with Layers and Color Editor in concert for optimised control and flexibility. Localised Texture Enhancements And Sharpening Add depth to your images through the skilful structure enhancements using the incredibly versatile and flexible Clarity tool. You’ll also learn how to add definition to your photos by enhancing contrast within a specific tonal range.
                    If you're looking to learn how to edit photos, but don't want to shell out the money for Photoshop, Pixelmator is a fantastic alternative. This course covers: Basic Color Correction How to take Objects out of an Image Isolating Parts of an Image Working with Layers Working with Selection